Monday, July 19, 2010

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

The key...and I really mean, the key to successfully "move " in your life is to find a friend.....someone else who is interested in performing some form of activity in their day. Discuss what you both like to do...what makes each of you happy! If you both like the same thing, awesome...plan to meet at a designated place anda time to get started. Maybe the park if it's walking, maybe it's the gym if it's Zumba class....
Something happened today that made this all come to light. A client of mine, who struggles with a degenerative disease, forces herself to come to the health club twice a week to "move" in some way, shape or form. It is a struggle for her to get there and a struggle for her to do what she does when she gets there. Sometimes I have to put her socks on for her, sometimes I have to help her with her clothing or her earrings because she is so committed to coming she often can't get everything together. Her goal has been to be able to enjoy her first grandchild, if and when it should ever happen. She had a "meeting" with me today. She called to cancel.......I didn't mind....she reached her goal! Today her first grandchild was born! And she was able to be there in the delivery room, hold that baby, and love life! I can't wait to see week!

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