Monday, August 16, 2010

Calling All Pole-rinas!

My usual weekend is resting my body so I can jump back into the work week. This weekend was different.....16 hours of Pole Fitness certification! There are muscles screaming in my body that I did not know I had. There is total fatique in my muscles. There is pure exhaustion. But I am so happy....I am thrilled to be officially certified in a form of fitness I would have never dreamed of doing at age 50!

As I have written in previous blog, Pole Fitness is the art of moving your body through the air using the pole as a prop and using your entire body weight to do that. I am challenged by it, practice is necessary, but exhilaration and fun is the end result!

If you want to increase muscle strength, if you want to increase CORE strength, if you want to empower yourself to move your body in a way you never dreamed about....try something new!

I learned how to "ooze" my body, how to wrap my muscles around their bones, and how to be find some courage to step outside my fitness box.

Our pole fitness classes begin September 7th with a week of demos for you the week prior....challenge yourself. Grab a friend to do this one's even more fun!

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