Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Reformer Pilates is a unique way to train your core. And that doesn't mean just your abdominal muscles. Your "core" is your support system, your personal support system. It is the center, the powerhouse, the trunk of the tree, the center of the apple, the basis by which you stand, run, bike, golf, sit, cycle, swing a bat, throw a football, etc, etc. That consists of muscles from the neck down to the hips and thighs and everything in between.

Training on the Reformer is unique because of the design of the machine....cables and springs to provide resistance and at the same time, lengthening of the muscles.

Exercises on the Reformer can be done laying down, sitting, kneeling, and standing.
Some of my Reformer clients results consist of dropping dress/pants sizes, trimming of the abdominal/waist area, better balance, ability to perform more functional activities, better sports performances from triathlon races, running, biking, golf, and tennis. They love the change in their muscle strength and endurance and can not believe at what they can do after a few sessions. The guys love it....they absolutely are amazed at what they never knew they had!

I train Couples/ Side by Side classes where wives "convince" their husbands to do this with them...as a date night. They find themselves asking when are we going back again. One of my couples gets a babysitter and they go out after our session.

One member substituted Reformer training for physical therapy on her doctor's advice for her back issues and she feels fabulous!

Wonderful results for arthritic knees, scoliosis of the spine, herniated discs in spine, hamstring issues, Parkinson's disease degeneration are some of the things I have witnessed.


1 comment:

  1. I'll tell you what, the reformer is the only thing that gets me to that godforsaken gym. That and the fun conversations we have!!

    You know what I always tell you...I need a brainwashing. My outlook on exercise is dismal at best. And I will do anything to talk myself out of it. Anything.
